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International Business Management





The career of International Business Management is related to the ability of a professional to the creation of new businesses in the international market. Business people are professionals who know the reality of the international economy, able to relate to people, especially with managers of foreign companies to conduct business, and design projects to create new businesses and new products.


A degree in International Business Management focuses on business activities that a company performs with companies from other countries. For example, a business agent is responsible for the international expansion of the company (to grow the business beyond the borders of the country), the establishment of relations with foreign organizations (such as import and export) and the services provided at international (customs, freight).

Student profile


The person who wishes to pursue this career should have a strong interest in trade. Also, you should have a good background in mathematics to pass with outstanding qualifications some courses as finance, accounting, among others. An international business agent must be able to adapt to change, there must not have problems to travel and work anywhere, also has to know how to relate with people of different cultures and always be aware of the opportunity to innovate. Finally, mastering another language is essential, mainly English.



The economic moment the Peru is favorable for International Business. In that way, business people are able to develop themselves in the business private sector, in state institutions related to foreign trade, in multinationals, in non-governmental organizations with global reach, among others.

Advantages of studying International Business Management
Trade liberalization has been happening in the world due to globalization and informatization of the global economy and has been reflected through trade agreements; bilateral trade has enabled the emergence of countless opportunities trained staff whose attention has been exceeded showing a gap of skilled human resources. For those reasons, universities have created the international business career in order to prepare specialists in international trade, international negotiations, customs management and logistics management.
The international business career is a career that has arisen taking into account global trends (called global integration or globalization, information technology and outsourcing of the economy), therefore seeks to give students who wish to attend it, the tools and knowledge necessary for you can do business in the global market, whether you prefer importing goods or exporting non-traditional products. Activities to which has been added them import and export services.

The international business career allows graduates to conduct assessments of international markets and prepare their plan export or import to enter in the international market their product and the company he represents, in other words seeks to generate new business opportunities in a globalized world.


The international business career develops over five years equivalent to ten semesters and their training will enable the graduate generate options for commercial development for their country and integrate it into the world. Graduates will have a highly competitive professional English proficiency (language in which business is conducted mostly anywhere in the world except for the Spanish-speaking countries), easily to suit any cultural reality, the use of technological means and social networks for communication and information.


The people who have the title of Bachelor of International Business Management or Bachelor of International Business can act as manager, administrator, operator management areas of international operations, logistics officer, consultant or specialist in international business private companies of all sizes. It can also be a teacher and researcher.


Another field of work is still low but demand will be higher in the future by the globalized context and presence of companies from other countries in national markets that is not theirs is being Negotiator Commercial companies or the state itself.


Another labor advantage could be pursue a career in international business and have the possibility of being a commercial attached at the embassy of your country, and consequently be able to open markets for entrepreneurs in the country of destiny. 


The international business career in most universities of the world considers developing career areas, which are market research, international business transactions, international trade's marketing, logistics, business negotiation, customs management, among others.


Globalized World

The disappearing of economic boundaries is partially due to the proliferation of electronic communication, which allows instantaneous information transfer for sales, marketing, manufacturing and outsourcing. Furthermore, growing distribution networks, supply chains, and transportation hubs simplify the movement of products. The broad networks of worldwide financial institutions reduce currency issues. Thus, business professionals are increasingly servicing the needs of customers around the world. 

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